

The heading photo of this section is not by chance. This photo depicts a saline in the Center of the Iberian Peninsula and, although to profane eyes it is a sterile and worthless place, it houses a great amount of natural treasures, with a lot of potential to house intricate evolutionary and biogeographical histories, yet to be discovered.

Dissemination should be an obligatory task to face the current biodiversity crisis. Find below dissemination and teaching material that I have been collecting, mainly related to biodiversity issues.

Every year, my colelagues and me, we organize the Spanish Flora Biomarathon, the largest botany-focused citizen science event in our country.

As part of the Board of Directors of SEBICOP (Spanish Society of Plant Conservation Biology), I am one of the editors of the journal Conservación Vegetal, the only journal on plant conservation that exists in Spanish.

My material can be used free of charge whenever it is non-profit and for educational or scientific purposes. If you want to use some of these materials in another way, please contact me. Some of the material is not of my property, in which case is specified.

I contribute with my nature observations and curation to the citizen science platform iNaturalist.