Research Interests
I am an evolutionary biologist focused on biodiversity, especially on plant biogeography, Island Biology and conservation. I am especially interested in understanding the patterns and processes that model the distribution of biodiversity on Earth. For this, during my research I have used state of the art bio/phylogeographic reconstruction approaches with a particular interest in cutting-edge analytical methods.
Some of my recent interests have been focused on:
1. understanding the effects of extinction mediated by climate change in shaping biodiversity patterns at continental level;
2. assembling bio/phylogeographical patterns and processes in endangered biodiversity hotspots;
3. finding refugia and cradles for critically endangered diversity;
4. understanding catastrophic volcanic extinction, continental rifting and topographic complexity in the spatiotemporal evolution of populations;
5. finding lineage-specific climatic niche driven by tempo of vicariance;
6. developing “The Theory of Island Biogeography” between oceanic and sky-islands
7. deciphering the consequences of polyploidization: from single traits to population dynamics.

I am especially interested in the dissemination of science both to the general public and to the scientific community. Along with other researchers, I am a part of a dynamic network of scientists and environmental managers who have Island Biology, Evolution, Conservation, and Biogeography at its central interest.

Antarctic Biogeography

Macroevolution and microevolution in island systems